
We provide first class Blockchain services and Blockchain training. Our dedicated team offers comprehensible solutions in blockchain technology. We support businesses all the way from conception, development to production and implementation. Our Consultants and Blockchain experts help our clients to understand the technology and make well thought out decision to fully integrate the Blockchain technology into their business.

Blockchain Smart contracts

With a smart contract secure your transaction and terms

Smart contracts allow your organisation to build a transparent environment Through the automation on Contracts between two individuals or enterprises. A Smart Contract is a self-enforcing agreement embedded in a computer code with predefined set of rules under which both parties agree to interact with each other it is managed by blockchain and eliminate the need of human Management.

Smart contracts Benefits


Remove any intermediary

Many industries such as banking, Real estate, Insurance are catching up with the technology that can definitely eliminate the middleman.


Automated business process

Streamline business operations and improve efficiency.
Different tasks can be managed under one Platform


Data security

Advance level of data encryption
With high level of protection

Top 6 industries that utilize Smart Contracts








Real Estate


Transport & logistics



Cryptocurrency Wallet

A cryptocurrency wallet is a software program or hardware device that allows sending, receiving and storing specified Cryptocurrency. The Blockchain powered Wallet stores the private key and public address of a user in order to facilitate access to funds, in addition we develop wallet applications. A Cryptocurrency wallet is a bank account without the Bank, it does not rely to any financial institutions. The user can avoid most constraints and restrictions related to traditional banking.


Feature of cryptocurrency wallet development Services

  • Secure Monetary transactions
  • Multi-currency Wallet is the one which supports more than one currency
  • The wallet our experts develop will have the capabilities to accommodate all major current cryptocurrencies you can always upgrade your wallet in case of some new currency surface

Factor authentication

We enable two factor authentication as known as 2FA to protect your wallet for unauthorized access.


Very fast transactions (with efficient coding services)

  • Fast transactions processing
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Ease of use

Mobile wallet

Cryptocurrency wallet that can be accessed seamlessly on any device it is fully internet based


Desktop Wallet

An effective safer way for cold storage method for cryptocurrencies
No use of third party server

Cryptocurrency exchanges

Cryptocurrency exchanges market are digital market with a platform through which the customer pays a fee to sell or buy digital asset. All transactions are in real time. The crypto exchanges market is growing and could be considered at the dawn of its rise. Speed data transactions, privacy, and security of data are priority in the development of exchange platform.

If you are looking for one stop exchange platform and cryptocurrency liquidity with turn key solutions at Base Tech Solution, we can provide you with meaningful advice and introduce to your organisation the White Label cryptocurrency exchange. 


How to start a cryptocurrency exchange


We strongly advice to use The White Label software


Use an open source Solution


Custom software development


Built it from scratch

Centralize Exchange

Centralize exchange is a trading platform that is linked to a central authority. The ownership of the coin is held by the exchange they are safe and they follow rules and regulations. The users do not have a total control or access over their Wallet private Keys. Centralised exchange usually charges a percentage fee for every transaction.


A decentralised exchange has no central authority as it allows peer to peer trading. Users have complete control and access to their funds they have also the ownership of their assets. In a White Label decentralised exchange it is a peer to peer trade fee. These types of exchanges have scrupulous security protocol which enhances security and transparency.

 Opting for the best decentralised or centralised exchange will entirely depend on you and your destination for success.

Exchange development technical requirements



  • Highly scalable platform
  • Modular architecture
  • Customize platforms
  • API integration with third party services


  • Registration and user friendly trading system
  • High level UX-Dashboards Charts and reports
  • Modern UI responsive high quality design


  • Decentralised ledger
  • Two factor authentication and alerts
  • Debugging
  • Dedicated team of security experts


  • Granular control of user access
  • Highly configurable platform
  • Setting of the admin on the control panel

ICO development services

We offer an optimal ICO development services. Initial coin offering is commonly referred to as ICO. It is a growing trend and an alternative way to  create a crowdfunding event. New projects sell their underlying crypto Tokens in an exchange for bitcoin or Ether. As in an IPO the investors purchase shares of the company.


Concept & plan (idea)

The ICO planning idea is a crucial most important phase the formulated idea must be feasible and viable as we lay out the plan for your ICO campaign.

White Paper Consulting

We advise our clients with the best White Paper in a comprehensible and understandable manner. We draft well thought out strategies to attract more investors.

Logo design for Tokens/Coin

The design team can help to create a unique logo for your new Token that will clearly communicate your brand image and project theme.

ICO Marketing

We provide to our clients the best in marketing services to widen the scope of credibility in the market. Our ICO expert team will tap the right market by incorporating and customizing strategies that include SEO, email advertising, social media and more. Our expertise will help the organization to build trust with their impeding investors in order to bring a greater possibility of success.

Our legal experts Assistance for:


Crowdfunding agreement ICO

  • SAFT agreement
  • Preparation and drafting of the pre-crowd token offer pre-ICO
  • Token purchase agreement for the ICO

White paper legalities

  • Legal assessment of the white paper
  • Legal disclaimer for the white paper
  • Exclusion of the liability on the white paper up to a certain level
  • Opinion letter for the Token to be determined Security or Utility
  • Requirement for the Banks and exchanges

Supply Chain Development

A supply Chain is a network of people involved in a moving of a product or service to an end customer. As supply chain becomes a global network, it has developed into an extraordinarily complex environment. It can span over different parties in multiples geographical locations.

New innovative technologies are impacting businesses around the world while the technology used in supply chain remains outdated. Blockchain is transforming the supply chain from production, processing to logistics and accountability. Some of the most issues facing supply chain can be addressed through the Blockchain technology.

Blockchains are highly resistant to altering or tampering ultimately the technology can increase efficiency and transparency in the system and positively impact everything from warehousing to delivery to payment.

Blockchain attributes in supply chains


Traceable & immutable records


Highly secure


Cost saving



Blockchain a viable solution to reduce supply chain cost









Integration into your existing infrastructure

The blockchain technology basically functions as a layer supplementing your existing ERP “Enterprise Resource Planning”. You can still interact with your existing user interface and business process. As an integrative technology with its underlying logic processes forcing data to be synchronized. It could be a solution to your current fragmented infrastructure. Blockchain technology is definitetly an added value to your Organization it increases trust among all participants in your supply chain network.

ICT (Information technology)


Cryptocurrency Exchanges

  • We help Cryptocurrency Exchanges to implement outsourced customer support Programs.
  • Our highly skilled support teams can assist your customers and resolve issues in a timely manner.
  • We can significantly improve your customer satisfaction and help you to build your brand.

Technology Companies Support

  • Our focus on the technology sector means that we understand our client’s needs.
  • We help technology companies to realise their channel strategy.
  • We can implement outsourced management programs.
  • We provide highly skilled teams infrastructure to support effective engagement.


We offer Blockchain ltraining sessions to all levels of experience for any enterprise. There are no requirements needed to enroll beyond having a business interest in learning how blockchain and bitcoin work. 

Our training will immerse you in the technology, providing a strong viable understanding of the Blockchain universe

Thematic Training

Initiation of basic concept of the technology and a theme of your choice :

  • Blockchain introduction
  • Tokens
  • Hardware Wallet
  • Cryptocurrency Exchanges
  • Ethereum
  • Smart Contract

Specific programs

We offer specific live training programs tailored to your business needs
Our dedicated team is at your disposal.

Let’s talk!


Our Platforms

The Blockchain Platform allow development of Blockchain based applications. Few well known names have built Blockchain framework allowing people to develop and host applications on the Blockchain.